Monday 26 November 2012

Catholic Schools' Touch Tournament

The tournament starts at 10:10am on Wednesday, 1st game at 10:30.  Year 5 & 6 games are at the end of the top field near the new playground and also on the field by the church car park. Prize giving at 1:15 - 1:30.

Thank you to Michelle Healey, Kath Martin and Rhian Ward who have offered to help.  It would be good to have another parent to manage a team and a couple to help Kath with the food for visitors which will be laid out in the library.  Please remember that each family needs to provide a plate for this, as we are the host school.

Uniform: Wear school tracksuits to school with sports uniform underneath - black shorts with school T-shirt. Sunhats are a must - we don't want any sunstroke.

Food: The PTA will be running a continuous BBQ as well as selling drinks, muffins and I think ice blocks. Please bring money for this.

Good luck for these games - support each other and encourage those who have not played touch before to have a go and enjoy the game.  Help them with the rules - everyone has improved heaps with their throwing and catching.  This activity is a challenge for some people.

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