Tuesday 5 February 2013

Room Four Homework Information

Welcome To Room Four 2013.

Looking at what is planned for this term it will be very busy.

Homework needs to be completed and handed in on Fridays to the tray inside the classroom door.  It is expected that regular time is set aside to complete homework each day Monday to Thursday.

Reading should be recorded each night in the log at the back of the homework book. In Room 4, I expect you to choose what you will read, many of you use the town library and I know that Christmas books are still being read. People who have reading instruction in Room 3 or 6 may be given a book each day to read at home - this is what you must record in your reading log.  Library Day for us is Monday at 1:30.  This year you may issue 3 books at a time. So that you can use this opportunity to issue new books you need to organise to have library books in your bag on a Sunday night.  If you finish your book earlier in the week it can be placed in the "library book" box just inside the door of the classroom at any time.  Please do not take books out of this box to read. Library time is for browsing, silent reading and researching - you may choose to use this time to prepare for your Morning Programme or research for reading or topic work.  We also start with "Talk Book Time" where each of us shares something about what we have read over the week - a great time to find out about fantastic books that others have found.
The more you read, the more you know and the better you write.

Spelling will come home weekly and will be tested on Fridays.  This year we are introducing a new spelling programme "Spelling Alive" which Mrs Eastwood will explain at the Family BBQ/Picnic & Information Evening on Thursday.  Mrs Eastwood is coming in to our room to teach us all how to make "clean sounds" on Thursday.  Once we are all familiar with how spelling is to be learned, a list of words will come home - this may take a week or two, but yes I do expect spelling is learned every night.  Those who have had children in rooms 1 & 2 last year will be familiar with this.

Tables need to be worked on regularly and some tables will be part of the homework each week.  We are looking at accessing Maths Buddy again this year, costing this for the year, as this was popular with the students and had a variety of activities which covered all strands of maths - not just tables.  This week there is a copy of what my monthly tables sheet looks like. In class we do one of these as a speed test the first Friday of the month. For homework I expect the whole sheet to be attempted, perhaps 3 columns a night.  Year 5, just do the questions that you know, as many of you have not covered all the tables yet or division.

Morning Programme starts on Friday.  It is well explained at the start of the homework book, and an opportunity for us all to learn so many new things.  Aren't we lucky having 32 teachers in the class!

If ever you are unsure about any homework activity, please ask me for help, don't panic at home!  Remember to read any activity over before taking it home and clarify any problems.  Homework is for you to be independent at, not to raise stress levels in the family.  It relates to what we are learning about and is an opportunity for you to share your learning at home.

Sporting Events are coming up this term.  Swimming Sports on Monday 25th February and school triathlon Monday 18th March? Meet up with a friend to swim, run or bike in preparation for these.

Opening School Mass this Sunday 10th February 9:00 am, please be there in summer uniform by 8:55am.  Families are asked to bring something for the Alexandra Foodbank and a plate for a shared morning tea.  See you all there.

Contact, Health and Information Forms: please get these back by the end of the week as it is very important that we have all you latest details.

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