Sunday 8 December 2013

What's Happening?

Gosh the year has really flown, I'm getting through the reports steadily - always seems a mountain to climb.  If anyone wants to view or talk about the recent assessments that have been done and that I am using to base the report on, please come in and see me.

This week everyone needs to have an empty lemonade/coke bottle for Christmas basket making, and any Christmassy bits and pieces that might add to the decoration of them.  I have my Christmas junk (recycled stuff) that comes in handy, too.

We would like to invite everyone who has volunteered this year to an afternoon tea in the library on Friday 13th at 2pm. Please RSVP for this to the school office by 12 on Thursday 12th, so that we know how many to cater for.  This is an opportunity for the staff and students to say thank you to you all. As this is my responsibility this year, and Dale & Kath were delighted with the help our girls gave them at the Touch Tournament, we will prepare the food, set the library up and serve this.

Thursday will be a day for 'food', each group will need to share the ingredients for making truffles, and there are some other ideas that the students gave me today. An extra pair of hands would be useful for this.  I haven't set an exact time for this yet- will be morning, as I'm sure that there will be a practice for the final mass that is yet to be confirmed.

Father Pat will visit our class this week for prayer and R.E.

Ms Tamati will be here on Friday at 11am to take Kapahaka - please make sure that you have your poi and that you have been practising.

Monday 16th: Petanque after church prayer - 9:30 - 11am, Final assembly and prize giving 12:00, followed by picnic lunch.

Tuesday 17th: I'm talking to Zachary about what he would like to do for the first part of the morning. Shared lunch to farewell Zachary at 12:00. Water afternoon organised by House Captains & Greg the Youth Worker.

Remember that if the weather is really hot we will cool off under the sprinklers about 2:30 each day - depends on how fast we tidy up.

Final Mass = Thursday 6pm: please be seated by 5:50 with the class - choir in the choir loft.

Thanks so much to everyone who has helped make a difference to the children's learning this year - we couldn't have managed without you.

Wishing you all safe and happy holidays with family and friends.


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